Kumi Rauf
Creator of the I Love Being Black (iLBB) Cultural Movement and Apparel Line,
Kumi Rauf also believes in lifting as he climbs. He has spread I Love Being
Black’s message of positivity, awareness and action to dozens of countries across
the globe. Mr. Rauf is an expert social media strategist, amassing over 6 million
fans on the I Love Being Black Facebook page and assisting many other brands in
taking their social media to the next level. Find out more @ ilovebeingblack.com...
and now I present to you, Mr. Kumi Rauf!
The LAB 2 The Lab 2 - Youth Media, Tech and Equity Summit
Presenter Intros
The LAB 2 The Lab 2 - Youth Media, Tech and Equity Summit
The Rhythm of Social Algorithms
Welcome to our Social Media Algorithms breakout room with our amazing keynote speaker, Kumi Rauf. Learn more about the social media algorithms that know all about you and your content. They are the gatekeepers that rank everything you post and decide who else gets to see it. Come join us!