Tolani B Mwatha, MD
About My Practice:
Kaiser Permanente's values and commitment to excellence, compassion, collaboration and equity align with my own. I saw these values lived out as I learned from my attendings in the Family Practice Residency. This experience deeply impacted me and these values inform how I provide care. As a family medicine provider, I can offer my patients medical knowledge, insight, and counsel. Even more importantly, I will listen to them. One of the great joys of practicing family medicine is seeing patients grow from childhood through adulthood and beyond. It's a privilege caring for several generations of the same family.
How I Thrive:
My faith and my family are the bedrock of my life. I love Crossfit and try to exercise regularly through the week. We live in an incredibly beautiful part of this world. I love hiking in the Pacific Northwest. In the space of a few hours I can leave my home, get to a trailhead, summit a peak in the North Cascades and be home for dinner. Reading is another way I relax. As a family, we like to run and to travel internationally.
Day 1 Thursday, March 24th
Panel of Healers
Panel of health professionals sharing trends and resources for ‘filling the well.’