Dr. Mikal Anderson
Dr. Mikal Anderson serves as the Director of Data Solutions with Kingmakers of Oakland. He holds experience in leading system-wide initiatives focusing on the acquisition, retention, and diversification of educator pipelines, which include talent development endeavors concentrating on the cultivation of new teachers and school administrators. Additionally, he has supported organizations with strategic planning, talent acquisition and management, talent development, and program evaluation processes; and he delivers professional development on the topics of race, equity, diversity and inclusion, cultural competence, culturally responsive pedagogy, culturally responsive leadership, and restorative practices. Dr. Anderson holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Education in Secondary Education from Temple University, and a Doctor of Education degree in Global Education from the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education. Additionally, he obtained a Certificate in Education Policy and Program Evaluation as well as an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, and he completed graduate studies in Special Education at Saint Joseph's University.
Treating the Toxic Ecosystem Friday, October 16th
Plenary: Healing the Fish While Treating the Toxic Ecosystem
Treating the Toxic Ecosystem Friday, October 16th