SFUSD Black Teacher Recruitment

Latino, Black, Asian and Native American teachers account for 17% of all U.S. public school teachers.  Approximately 2% are Black men. The overwhelming lack of engagement for Black men continues

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Young Leaders Co-Design at The Well

On November 14th-16th more than 400 leaders convened from across sectors and generations in Washington, DC at The Well to restore, rejuvenate, build new relationships across identity, age, and sector.

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Kingmakers of Oakland Expands Leadership

KOO Welcomes New Chief Program Officer and Senior Director of Communications  Today, Kingmakers of Oakland (KOO), a nonprofit organization in Oakland, California committed to improving educational and life outcomes for

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Kingmakers releases 2021 Annual Report

KOO continues to scale and meet divergent District’s needs [Oakland, CA. May, 2022] Kingmakers of Oakland (KOO), the trailblazing organization focused on improving learning and life outcomes for Black boys,

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