Block Party Serves Formerly Incarcerated

KOO Team at Alameda County Block party

The Alameda County Public Defender’s 5th Annual Block Party at Defremry Park was a vibrant community celebration uniting various agencies with the aim of offering resources to support formerly incarcerated individuals and families in their transition to becoming productive members of society, once again. Participants had access to health screening, free clothes, music, face painting, and delicious food. The event exuded an atmosphere of hope that resonated deeply with all attendees.

Blood pressure services at Alameda County Defender Block partyThe historic Defremry Park buzzed with love, youthful energy, and the presence of the Kingmakers of Oakland (KOO) family. Brother Matin and I took center stage, sharing the message and narrative of KOO with those present. Meaningful conversations were exchanged, opinions voiced, and, most importantly, the community rallied together to champion a day that epitomized Oakland’s spirit of uplifting those most marginalized.

We bore witness to the transformative power of intentionality, as it catalyzed change, opened doors to opportunities, provided essential resources, and instilled hope within our community. The day stood as a testament to success, as more individuals became acquainted with and embraced the mission of KOO.